Our physiotherapy can help diagnose, treat and manage a wide range of Women’s Health and Pelvic Health concerns through manual therapy, movement/postural advice, exercise prescriptions, electrical physical modalities (RTUS, TENs, Electrical stimulation, EMG), taping, support garments/braces.

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Our Clinic Values

The way we serve our team, patients, referrers and community over the last 14 years involves these 4 words:

C onnections: Belonging and connecting to ourselves (our body) and others is an essential part of a meaningful life. We all want to feel safe, be seen, hear and valued. Understanding these deeper human emotions and behaviours helps you and your physiotherapist develop a deeper rapport and therapeutic alliance.

A uthenticity: We want everyone to be themselves, we want to know the whole you, so we can help you achieve your goals

R espect: Through our words and actions we respect each other’s time, each other’s spaces, boundaries, ideas.

E nergy: Our interactions are about energy giving and creating.  We want to be attuned to your energy level, to guide you through the right advice and exercises.
